New features added to SGP

New features added to SGP

As we edge closer to a full public launch we are working on some big updates to the platform but before then, we have added a couple of features that we would like to tell you about. The first is to help drivers manage their events and the second is an admin tool which will help with running championships. 

Event filtering.

We are spoilt for choice on with over 100 communities putting on races all across the globe, finding the community which caters for your individual needs has meant committing some time to searching through the community list and browsing event pages. From today you will see a new event page on the platform with a handy event search filter which will make finding events on easier than ever. 

Simply enter your preferences including day, time, sim, server location and cars and wait for the results to appear below. You will then be able to view all the events which match your search criteria and register to events or join the respective communities directly from the event page. By default the search includes single events and series events, this is because both of these event types are generally open to everyone. You can add championships to your search by clicking the "Championships" button, this will show events from championships which are open to join, they may have already started but in many cases communities allow joining after the championship has started.

Event Filter options: 

Day of the week - Includes days selected in the search

Time From / To - Includes events within this time range

Simulators - Includes events using these sims

Cars - Only available when selecting a single sim - Includes cars selected only

Server Location - ...the...location of the sever...

SGP events - Shows events from the SGP community

Championships - Shows championships which are marked as available to join

My communities only - Only returns results from communities you are a member of

Another change to the event page is how we display events you are registered in. They now appear along the top of the page in the banner and scroll horizontally giving us much more room below to display events which you can take part in. 

Car + Class Change

This is a small update but one I'm sure community admins will welcome. You can now change the car and class of a driver after a championship has started. We have always tried to maintain that it’s the drivers responsibility to choose the correct car and class for a championship but sometimes they just get it wrong. This would result in requests to the dev team to manually change them and it made sense to put this control in the admins hands. 

How you manage this is up to you, for example if you have a driver that’s been sandbagging in a slower class you can now move them to a faster class mid-way through a championship or vice-versa. If you need to adjust points for drivers changing classes don’t forget you have the points adjustment tool in race results. 

As I say, we have a big update coming with some things we have been working on for quite a while so stay tuned for that in the coming weeks, we are excited about what’s coming and I Am Sure you will like it 2. 

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Written by:

Steve Worrell

CEO of Simracing.GP and passionate sim racer. I have been sim racing for over 20 years and have worked in marketing for consumer tech for over 10 years. My mission is to create a single destination for competitive racing online.