
Entry Rules

Manage who joins your event based a number of different conditions

Entry rules allow community admins to restrict the users from joining an event. Some scenarios for why you may need such rules include restricting entries to only the highest/lowest ranked drivers in your community, preventing drivers which don’t show up to races from joining and many more.

In this tutorial I will run through each entry rule and what effect it has on your event. 

Condition: Rank

What it does:

Setting this will allow you to restrict your event to drivers based on their SGP Rank. 

Why you might need it:

To stop drivers joining which are much faster/slower than the majority of the community. 

Conditional Operation:

Greater than = Drivers must have a rank higher than the Condition value

Less than = Drivers must have a rank lower than the Condition value

Equal to = Drivers must have a rank exactly equal to the Condition value

Less than or equal to = Drivers must have a rank less than or equal to the Condition value

Greater than or equal to = Drivers must have a rank greater than or equal to the Condition value

Condition Value = The Rank at which the Conditional Operation becomes effective


In this example I have selected the condition “Rank”, and drivers must have a Rank lower than 5000 to take part in this race. 

Condition: Community Join Date

What it does:

Setting this will allow you to restrict your event to drivers based on when they joined your community.

Why you might need it:

To make an event only accessible to new/original members of your community 

Conditional Operation:

Greater than = Drivers must have joined your community after the specified date

Less than = Drivers must have joined your community before the specified date

Equal to = Drivers must have joined your community on the specified date

Less than or equal to = Drivers must have joined your community on or before the specified date

Greater than or equal to = Drivers must have joined your community on or after the specified date

Conditional Value = Select Date


In this example I have selected the condition “Community join date”. Drivers must have joined the community before December 1st 2022. 

Condition: Community Race Count

What it does:

Setting this will allow you to restrict your event to drivers based on how many races they have joined in your community

Why you might need it:

You may want to make a race for your most loyal drivers, or you may wish to make a race only for newcomers

Conditional Operation:

Greater than = Drivers must have raced with your community more times than the specified condition value

Less than = Drivers must have raced with your community fewer times than the specified condition value

Equal to = Drivers must have raced with your community the same amount of times equal to the specified condition value

Less than or equal to = Drivers must have raced with your community equal to or fewer times than the specified condition value

Greater than or equal to = Drivers must have raced with your community equal to or more times than the specified condition value

Conditional Value = Number of races


In this Example drivers must have raced in the community more than 20 times. 

Condition: Platform Race Count

What it does:

Setting this will allow you to restrict your event to drivers based on how many races they have joined across the entire SGP platform

Why you might need it: 

You may want to make a race for your experienced SGP drivers, or make your race open to SGP rookies. 

Conditional Operation:

Greater than = Drivers must have raced on SGP more times than the specified condition value

Less than = Drivers must have raced on SGP fewer times than the specified condition value

Equal to = Drivers must have raced on SGP the same amount of times equal to the specified condition value

Less than or equal to = Drivers must have raced on SGP equal to or fewer times than the specified condition value

Greater than or equal to = Drivers must have raced on SGP equal to or more times than the specified condition value

Conditional Value = Number of races


In this Example drivers must have raced on SGP at least 10 times or more to take part.

Condition: Community Relative Position

What it does:

Why you might need it: 

Conditional Operation:

Greater than = 

Less than = 

Equal to = 

Less than or equal to = 

Greater than or equal to = 

Conditional Value


Condition: Platform Relative Position

What it does:

Why you might need it: 

Conditional Operation:

Greater than = 

Less than = 

Equal to = 

Less than or equal to = 

Greater than or equal to = 

Conditional Value


Condition: Community DNF Count

What it does:

Setting this will allow you to restrict your event to drivers based on how many times they have failed to show for a race in your community.

Why you might need it: 

You may want to restrict your event to those with a high number of DNFs as they are less likely to show up for races. 

Conditional Operation:

Greater than = Drivers must have a higher number of DNFs than the specified condition value 

Less than = Drivers must have a lower number of DNFs than the specified condition value 

Equal to = Drivers must have the same number of DNFs than the specified condition value 

Less than or equal to = Drivers must have the same or a lower number of DNFs than the specified condition value 

Greater than or equal to = Drivers must have the same or a higher number of DNFs than the specified condition value 

Conditional Value = Number of races


In this Example drivers must have fewer than 10 DNFs within your community to be able to join.

Additional Note - Before using this entry rule, look at the condition named “DNF Ratio”. DNF Ratio works like DNF count but is a percentage of DNFs not an absolute number. This is important for drivers who have completed a lot of races. For example, a driver might have missed 10 races but attended 290 races. This driver is still very likely to join your race but if you have DNF count at 10 this would exclude this driver.

Condition: Platform DNF Count

What it does:

Setting this will allow you to restrict your event to drivers based on how many times they have failed to show for a race across the entire SGP platform

Why you might need it: 

You may want to restrict your event to those with a high number of DNFs as they are less likely to show up for races. 

Conditional Operation:

Greater than = Drivers must have a higher number of DNFs than the specified condition value 

Less than = Drivers must have a lower number of DNFs than the specified condition value 

Equal to = Drivers must have the same number of DNFs than the specified condition value 

Less than or equal to = Drivers must have the same or a lower number of DNFs than the specified condition value 

Greater than or equal to = Drivers must have the same or a higher number of DNFs than the specified condition value 

Conditional Value = Number of races


In this Example drivers must have a maximum of 10 or fewer DNFson the entire SGP platform to be able to join

Additional Note - Before using this entry rule, look at the condition named “DNF Ratio”. DNF Ratio works like DNF count but is a percentage of DNFs not an absolute number. This is important for drivers who have completed a lot of races. For example, a driver might have missed 10 races but attended 290 races. This driver is still very likely to join your race but if you have DNF count at 10 this would exclude this driver.

Condition: Community DNF Ratio

What it does:

Setting this will allow you to restrict your event to drivers based on the percentage of no shows a driver has in their results history. This only looks at the percentage based on races from within your community.

Why you might need it: 

You may want to restrict your event to those with a high percentage of DNFs as they are less likely to show up for races. 

Conditional Operation:

Greater than = Drivers must have a higher % of DNFs than the specified condition value 

Less than = Drivers must have a lower % of DNFs than the specified condition value 

Equal to = Drivers must have the same % of DNFs than the specified condition value 

Less than or equal to = Drivers must have the same or a lower % of DNFs than the specified condition value 

Greater than or equal to = Drivers must have the same or a higher % of DNFs than the specified condition value 

Conditional Value = % (percentage)


In this Example drivers must have a maximum of 33% or lower DNF Ratio based on races they entered in your community. 

Condition: Platform DNF Ratio

What it does:

Setting this will allow you to restrict your event to drivers based on the percentage of no shows a driver has in their results history. This only looks at the percentage based on races from within your community.

Why you might need it: 

You may want to restrict your event to those with a high percentage of DNFs as they are less likely to show up for races. 

Conditional Operation:

Greater than = Drivers must have a higher % of DNFs than the specified condition value 

Less than = Drivers must have a lower % of DNFs than the specified condition value 

Equal to = Drivers must have the same % of DNFs than the specified condition value 

Less than or equal to = Drivers must have the same or a lower % of DNFs than the specified condition value 

Greater than or equal to = Drivers must have the same or a higher % of DNFs than the specified condition value 

Conditional Value = % (percentage)


In this Example drivers must have a maximum of 33% or lower DNF Ratio based on races they entered across the entire SGP platform